Original model - start to visualize what I want to do with it. My plan is to have the three connecting bridge sections made mostly of glass, several stories tall. It would be an area for residents or office workers to go and relax, having trees, fountains, food carts, small restaurants/bars, etc.
An atrium class ceiling on each side of the bridges.
Took a few hours to finish. First had to figure the best way to have the polygons flow, and then had to place each panel, one at a time. Rotating and re-sizing as needed. Thankfully lattice boxes came in quite handy, so the whole thing took only about an hour to place the tiles. As with most things, it took more time than expected because of trying several things, over-complicating some things, and my bad habit of perfection/ocd.
Widened the atrium as the first iteration made it so that the bridge would become too thin.
Mirrored it across to show the basic look and scale of the bridge.
Continuing on... this showing the top half of the bridge, so the finished piece would be about twice it's height.
Starting to work on a bit of the interior of the part of the tower that connects to the bridge. The top most bridge I plan to be unique do mainly to the ceiling of the tower. The walkways will go around the main tower and along the bridge for 3 stories.
I have a basic idea of the final look of this large interiors, but still many details to work out.
Exterior shot just to show scale of the bridge and walkways. Might be hard to see, but there is a person on the top walkway to display the grand scale of it all.
Keeping to the contemporary glass theme, some basic glass railings to go along the walkways.
Example of how the railings will look along side the walkways. With people to show the scale.