Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Moving along...

Made some revisions to the pipe. The original was too plain, had no character (as just the mesh). Added some detail, yadda yadda...

The rectangle area that is circled in red is where the following door will be placed and  used to access the inside of these massive pipes.

Blam! A door, to scale. It's meant to be large enough to get large transport ships in and out to carry equipment, materials, workers, etc. It will swing open inward from the outer edges (like any double door would). You would be surprised how look it took me to decide on which way it would open. Couldn't slide up or down, not enough room for it to go, same with it sliding outwards. It is actually the forth version that I settled on. I thought it was going to be easy, but an easy door doesn't look cool. You need details!

Said details!

Not finished just yet, but I'll be finishing soon and the next post should be it all textured (texturing will help the details pop, and create the character of the door) ... maybe, still gotta do the inside/edges... and the door frame. Poop... Really shouldn't take too long though, already went through the "concept" phase, where I was just "throwing spaghetti on the wall and hoping it becomes art", as a teacher of mine has said.

Also, my engineering teacher in high school taught me KISS. Not the band... but Keep It Simple Stupid. ... Really got to work on the one.

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